Specialist in Treating and Researching the Mind-Body Effects of Trauma
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The New York Times: Brain Study Suggests Traumatic Memories Are Processed as Present Experience
The Trauma & Mental Health Report: Research Highlights a Promising Trauma Treatment - Deep Brain Reorienting
Global News: Lawson study looking at how deep brain reorienting can treat PTSD
Global News: Researchers study mental health of front-line workers responding to COVID-19 pandemic
Global News: Brain training gives PTSD patients the ability to reduce symptoms: local study
CBC News: PTSD - Self care tips for victims and their families
CBC News: Many first responders struggle with PTSD. Limited research suggests psychedelics may help
CBC News: Western and McMaster team up for study on new ways to treat first responders with PTSD
CBC News: Seeking seat of consciousness in dark side of brain