Ruth's Private Online Learning Community
Recorded Courses
Trauma, Development and Neuroplasticity:
How Can Therapy Help to Restore a Sense of Self After Trauma?
This course brings to life Ruth's work on trauma and the brain. This six-part webinar explores critical brain systems that are affected frequently by trauma and how altered functioning of each brain system can be associated with certain trauma-related symptoms.
The effects of a variety of present- and past- centered therapies, including mindfulness training, body-oriented approaches, neurofeedback, heart rate variability training, brain stimulation, EMDR, CBT/prolonged exposure, will then be discussed to illustrate how trauma treatment can lead to the restoration of critical brain networks and contribute to healing from traumatic stress.
In this short video, Ruth provides a glimpse into the course, including how the brain is impacted by trauma and how this can inform therapeutic approaches to promote healing.
What you will get out of it:
When you complete all 6 sessions, you will get 6 APA Continuing Education credit hours!
Get access to watch the recording as often as you like for 90 days
Learn from Ruth to answer these questions:

What brain systems are affected by trauma?

What effect do different therapies have on these brain systems?

What therapies can we integrate to restore these brain networks and promote healing?
What people are saying:
"Ruth's work and the emerging sense of self is what reaches me the deepest and what I relate to personally. She said that those of us with developmental trauma are trying to give birth to a sense of self. She differentiated developmental trauma from later life trauma. "Give birth to a sense of self" - respectful and beautiful. Instead of referring to us as people without a body, without a self, needing restoration - she sees us as trying to give birth to a sense of self. I felt no stigma."
Debbie Ingraham
Trauma, Balance and Recovery:
How to Restore Emotional Regulation, Balance, and A Sense of Self In the Aftermath of Developmental Trauma
Join Ruth to explore new emerging neuroscientific research to learn effective treatment approaches for developmental trauma. In this course, we look particularly at research and clinical practice with the vestibular/balance and cerebellar systems. New evidence suggests and supports the evidence base for brain-training and other bottom-up therapeutic modalities.
In this video, Ruth describes this course, delves into what you will learn, and answer questions.
What you will get out of it:
In this course, we examine evidence-based, bottom-up treatment approaches that target sensory, vestibular, and motor experience to regulate critical higher cognitive functions, including emotion regulation, cognition, and theory of mind. Participants will come away with a grounded understanding of the emerging neuroscience, based on research with developmentally-traumatized individuals, that supports this integrative approach for traumatic stress syndromes.
& Receive Continuing Education Credit!
Learn from 4 sessions:

Trauma and the Vestibular/
Balance System

Trauma, Sensory Processing and the Vestibular Balance System: Treatment Implications

Trauma and the Cerebellum

Restoring Emotion Regulation, Balance, & a Sense of Self - In Conversation with Sebern Fisher
An Advanced-Level Approach to Treating Complex Trauma and Dissociation:
How To Use The Finding Solid Ground Program for Dissociation
With Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD and Bethany Brand, PhD
When working with complex trauma, instinct might tell you to establish safety and stability before helping your client ground in the present. But what if that’s not the best starting place? What if safety actually feels dangerous for your client?
You see, this is true for many clients with a history of complex trauma. It’s part of what makes it so challenging to help these clients move forward. So what steps can we take instead to more effectively treat clients with complex trauma?
Drs. Lanius and Brand have co-developed a unique program to address some of the most difficult challenges experienced by patients who dissociate, called the Finding Solid Ground program. This is a unique therapeutic approach that builds upon their decades of research and clinical experience, and they crafted this program with feedback from patients with complex trauma and dissociative disorders.

What you will get out of it:
Get 3 CE/CME Credits or Clock Hours!
In this recorded interactive training, you'll get practical, manageable steps and key points from the Finding Solid Ground program that you can immediately use for your most challenging cases. This will help to reduce dissociation and trauma symptoms in a healthy, compassionate way. You'll learn:

How to work with clients who are terrified of feeling safe and becoming grounded

Critical steps to take BEFORE focusing on safety and stabilization

Why some clients are afraid to give up dissociation (and how to help them rely on it less)

Strategies to help clients separate past from present (and connect to the present moment)

How to interrupt patterns that contribute to risky, unhealthy, or unsafe behaviors

Specific language to help clients engage in treatment and avoid activating their dissociative response
How Can Neurofeedback Enhance Trauma Therapy?
A Dialogue With Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, and Bessel van der Kolk, MD
In this highly informative and interesting 60 minute session, Drs. Ruth Lanius and Bessel van der Kolk meet to discuss their views of trauma and trauma treatment. They cover such topics as emerging biomarkers in the EEG and fMRI analyses of trauma victims. This discussion includes the cognitive, emotional and behavioral symptoms often seen in people with trauma histories that are associated with these brain biomarkers. They then proceed to a discussion of psychophysiological interventions that, based on research and their experience, are seen as part of the therapeutic toolbox needed to address the symptoms associated with complex trauma.

What you will get out of it:
With these international specialists, you will learn:

What biomarkers in an EEG/fMRI relate to trauma?

What method of neurofeedback training has been shown to reduce trauma symptoms, and how does it work?

What is the role of the brain's Default Mode Network in trauma?